Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sorry for the erratic posting

I'm trying hard to faithfully post at least a couple times a week and three would be the most ideal for me. But right now, I have to apologize. This week, you're going to be lucky to get a single post. I don't meant to be erratic about the posting, but I'm in the final chapters of a book (for which the deadline is past by two days already), I'm in training for a new writing job, and I'm working a temp job right now, trying to make ends meet. I have a crazy, hectic schedule that's got me running on very little sleep and which is really interfering with my best laid plans.

Please bear with me and don't give up on new posts. I do have several things in mind that I'd like to share with you. I just have to have the time to do it. By next week, I should be back on my regular posting schedule. And I will try to get at least one entry up later this week.

I pray God is with each and every one of you. If you have specific situations about which you need prayer, you can always post a comment here, of if you prefer to keep it private, feel free to email me jaeandrews at gmail dot com. (Replace at with an ampersand, replace the dot with an actual period, and remove the extra spaces--sorry...I'm trying to avoid spam). I'll pray over every request that I receive.